Minggu, 08 Agustus 2010
[ YouTube ] Open Question : How do I get more Youtube Views?!?
I'm trying to win a contest through a local Christian station called 104.7 The Fish. It's for a chance to lead worship at their next event. The winner is based on the number of views on Youtube, and I'm lagging behind! Any suggestions on how to boost my views? Here's the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qWAG3hbrJ4
[ Teen & Preteen ] Open Question : Is it weird im 15 and don't have a boyfriend/never had one?
Okay well I am 15 and I am 110lbs and I am 5'9" tall. I don't consider myself pretty, as I have low self esteem. I am also kind of shy around strangers. I live in a small town and go to a small school (grades 7-12 with only about 300 kids) So there aren't a lot of kids my age to go out with or be friends with. I haven't ever kissed a guy before, or danced with a guy. I don't even think I hugged a guy for longer than a few seconds.. I have a couple guy friends, we don't text or anything but we chat in class and work together on school stuff sometimes :) My cousin who is now 17 has been dating for like 5 years and has a boyfriend right now of 2.5 years. My other cousin, who is 12, kissed guys when she was 10/11 during spin the bottle. - I haven't even had my first yet! The reason I don't want a boyfriend right now is because.. - I am NOT ready for sex, and I know that the guy is going to expect it, they all do. - All of my friends with boyfriends have been pressured into sex, and some of them had sex at 14 and regret it soo much but the guy deff. doesn't! - I am fine without a guy. - The whole thought of breaking up is stupid, the girls I know who have been broken up with cry for days and are soo miserable. Ugh Is this weird?
[ Military ] Open Question : being a woman in the army?
I'd really like to enjoy the Australian army reserves sometime in the next few years. My brother is in the reserves at the moment as a Rifleman and my family is pretty supportive of him.......because well......hes a guy. I want to be involved in either the medical area or communications but the minute i brought up the idea with my mum and grandparents, they immediately said that the army is a mans job and not a place for women to be. in addition, i come from a traditional chinese family who believe in different gender roles and they would be too embarassed to tell their friends their daughter is in the army because its just not meant to be like that. however they are more than proud to tell everyone my brother is in it. ive tried talking to them logically about it but they wont listen. also, its only reserves which is part time army and i can still keep my day job. the last straw i can take is to ignore all of them and do it anyway but i dont want to do that as you might understand because i would much rather a family in support of me than one that doesnt want to acknowledge the career path ive chosen