Minggu, 30 Mei 2010
[ Movies ] Open Question : Animated movie about a girl and a white stag?
I saw an animated movie when I was a kid, probably 12 to 15 years ago, that involved a girl out in the woods with a stag. I think they were at a stone house, and she sends it away through the woods with all this dramatic music playing to get help for a crow or raven which I think turned into a man. I'm pretty fuzzy on the details, so some of this might be a little off. I think the girl was super pale, with white hair, but I might be wrong. If I had to guess, I would say that the movie was made in the 70s, but I'm really not sure. If anyone knows this movie, I would really appreciate it if you could help me out!
[ Singles & Dating ] Open Question : Any songs about hope in getting a relationship?
All of my friends have had atleast 3 boyfriends and i have never even had a boyfriend before. Every time i have a "fling" with a guy, they always tell me that id be better off as a friend, and then they never talk to me again. :( I don't understand why guys don't like me and i really need to vent through music, so are there any songs out there that are about having hope that the right person is going to come along eventually? Ex: I just havent' met you yet by Michael Buble. Thanks everyone!
[ Biology ] Open Question : What is in our body which keeps us alive and makes us dead when it goes out?
We are called alive as long as we have something to keep us alive and called dead when it is not there. Is it some thing spiritual or something biological which can be proved by any scientist. what is the that?
[ Psychology ] Open Question : Is this part of schizophrenia?
On numerous occasions at work I was caught "laughing". I told them I'm not laughing I'm smiling. This was during a psychotic episode. I was smiling at the random thoughts in my head and was unable to explain it. My colleagues told me its disturbing especially since I couldn't explain to them why I was doing it. And I was also staring into blank space a lot getting lost in my thoughts they found this "disturbing" as well and was asked on numours occasions what was wrong with me. Btw, I am not just randomly bringing up the word schizophrenia. I have the symptoms, my psychiatrists suspects this and also bipolar together.
[ Philosophy ] Open Question : Thanking a person for their time - pathetic?
Can anyone here explain why someone would believe it is pathetic to thank a person for their time? It may be true that many people say, on some occasions "thanks for your time", but there is a person who believe that if they were to say this it would sound pathetic. Any ideas why? ALL ANSWERS ARE APPRECIATED