Recently I have left Christianity, looking into other religions and exploring my options. I never really wanted to officially leave Christianity, until I found a religion that really fitted me. I would like to go back to Christianity, maby not forever, but I would like to go back for now. So, my question is, is it to late to go back, or are you always accepted back?
Rabu, 02 Juni 2010
[ Singles & Dating ] Open Question : I need guy advice! from guys or girls.?
I like this kid at school but i don't know if he likes me. He flirts with me I think but I don't know how to respond to it. He always randomly says my name, steals my headphones, pushes my desk, and tries to start convos with me but doesn't know what to say. Also, in class we always glance looks at each other all class and we make really good eye contact when were up close.He also treats every other girl different than me.1. Does this seem like he likes me? 2. What can I do to start a conversation with him and what do I talk about? (I'm shy but willing to talk). 3. How do I flirt? I'm really bad at it and need to know how. 4. How do I give him a hint that I like him and want to hang out or go out with him. Any advice would be great and please just answer whatever you can and whatever you know. GUYS & GIRLS HELP WANTED. thanks!
[ Primary & Secondary Education ] Open Question : Where i can find pre-school report card sample paper?
I am searching the sample of report card for the pre-school but so far i am failed to find it. Can anybody help me?
[ Other - Society & Culture ] Open Question : If the British realize that 'fags' an incredibly derogatory word for homosexuals, then why continue to use it?
Are the British aware that 'fags' is a completely and unacceptably offensive word for homosexuals? If you came to the U.S., would you have any problem openly and publicly using the word simply because you are being defiant in your use of British English to mean something you believe is a harmless word for a cigarette? Considering how influential American English is around the world, it seems completely insensitive to continue to use that word when you could simply say a "cig" or just "cigarette" instead. To many Americans, you may as well be using the "n-word" as if you are talking about as harmless as a table. If you know you cause offense to some people by using that word, don't use it.