I bought a Ps3 game on bestbuy.com and got standard shipping how much time will it take to get to me?
Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010
[ Diet & Fitness ] Open Question : Does anyone know of a website that'll allow me to create a Healthy Routine Schedule? Or Teach me how to make 1?
I want to start eating healthy, and unless I have a routine to follow, I won't stay committed to my pledge. Thanks for your help =]
[ Problems with Service ] Open Question : Is there any possible way to send a message to the person when the in box is full?
Somewhere else in her yahoo email where she is able to see it besides the in box? If I writer threw the yahoo messenger will she get the message even do she is not on?
[ Zoology ] Open Question : Can I work with domestic animals, specifically dogs and pets, as a zolologist?
[ Religion & Spirituality ] Open Question : do female preachers meditate on these verses'1Cor.14:34-35'?
1Cor.14:34-35 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law. 35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.
[ Hair ] Open Question : My hair WON"T get oily. Why?
I've came to the conclusion. I have damaged my hair with the straight Iron and dyes over the years. It's completely dry. So I stopped, for about 5 months I stopped using all of it. I even tried getting Deep conditioners and shampoos. It makes my hair a bit 'softer.' but that's just about it. I've heard if I don't wash my hair for days it helps built up it's natural oils. Which is good. I haven't WASHED my hair in about 3-4 days. And my hair hasn't gotten oily at all. Not one bit. Maybe a 'tad' at the roots. But that's about it. What should I do? Cut all of it off? I'm really wishing not to.