I was Born into a religious family. Now I don't go to church anymore. It Just depresses me too much and I feel a lot better that I'm not going... most the time. The religion I was born into is very strict. From no saying vulgar words/Swearing, To no sex before marriage. The list goes on... A few months ago I went to go live with my boyfriend two states away. My parents were very against it. But I knew it was something I needed to do... I just knew it was right. So I left, I'm happy with him and If we had the money we would get married. My family misses me. I miss them too, I love them so much. I talk to them a few times a week but.... it's hard.... to talk to my parents. I have always had this gift(maybe curse) to feel what people feel to sympathize with people.. and actually understand. I have surprised many people with how I can describe to a Tee what they are feeling. I know this because I feel it within myself like I'm experiencing their views and emotions. It's weird... but it's just how I am. I can feel so strongly.... My parents, just, when we talk on the phone. Sometimes we hit subjects I just.... I'm sorry, I'm trying my best too explain(not good with words). It's so hard. They don't like what I'm doing. Like I have had sex before marriage. I only had it with this man because I love him and I want/plan to marry him. He's my one and only. But my parents morals... it makes them sad, and just a whole bunch of other things. I know they wish I would come back to the church more than anything... it hurts them so much. and ... I feel horrible about it. It almost felt like I ran away from them, because it hurts so much to be around them. I never said flat out hey... I'm having sex with this guy... but I think they know, they are smart. I just feel like I cause so much misery sometimes. It hurts to think about all this. I've changed so much ever since I left my religion and it's a good religion with good people... .it just wasn't for me. I think they wish they had the old me back... and that hurts too. What if I'm in the wrong? I mean what if it's me that needs to change again. I don't know. I've even lied to them which was like the first time I've lied about anything... I lied to protect them... but also myself... and at the time i didn't even see it as a lie. It was so hard to lie to them. Maybe all the things I'm doing are wrong.... Living with him, occasionally using drugs and drinking, the tattoo I've gotten ( against old religion). I don't know, I just really don't know... but I want the hurt to go away. I want their hurt to go away, too. I'm just hoping someone knows what to say... Can someone help me know what to do?
Senin, 14 Juni 2010
[ Fashion & Accessories ] Open Question : flat bill hats abercrombie hollister aero hollister american eagle?
i know aeropostle has flat bill hats but does abercrombie,hollister, american eagle? if so can i bye one off of ebay or on there website? and hats for boys?
[ Marriage & Divorce ] Open Question : children living between 2 homes in 2 different countries?
Has anyone been in this situation or know of anyone who has been in this situation where parents have separated or divorced and they decide to live in separate countries? There are children involved. How has the living arranged for children worked or not worked? Any legal advice? Schooling advice etc please Serious answers please. Thank you