okay i read an article about the disadvantages of teens working and there was a quote i didnt really get it so plzz explain "may make teens economically wealthy but psychologically poor"
Senin, 10 Mei 2010
[ Video & Online Games ] Open Question : how to train your dragon mobile game help?
so i have been playing the dragons mobile game on my lg xenon, and i'm stuck on the part with the ice maze where hiccup has to slide from rock to rock. does anyone know have any tips to help me get past that part?
[ Mental Health ] Open Question : When I was 14 I was raped its been a little over a year since but i still cant forget it.. Ive started cutting?
When I was 14 I was raped its been a little over a year since but i still cant forget it.. Ive started cutting my wrists and i don't even know why? Is it because im depressed? Please help, im so confussed =[
[ Other - US Local Businesses ] Open Question : Rent a center and the police.?
My friend is behind on her rac and she hasnt paid... Rent a center called one of the references and said they were coming by with the police... she is 4 weeks behind, do they really do that?
[ Friends ] Open Question : What should I wear for my friend's birthday? What should I give her as a last minute present?
My best friend's birthday is tomorrow and she invited us to go to red lobster. I was going to dress formally but not in one of those huge gowns or anything just a dress with blue and shoes. But I'm afraid that everyone will just wear normal clothes (jeans and dress shirt or something) and then if I wear the dress and everyone wears normal clothes except 4 my best friend since she is the birthday girl, it'll seem like i was trying 2 be the birthday girl and i don't want 2 be a disgrace. Especially in front of her mom. She's really scary 2 me. Plus, I have a crush on my best friend's cousin so I don't want 2 be super embarrassed. But if I wear the normal clothes and everyone is wearing formal clothes than....DISASTER! Also, since her birthday is tomorrow I need to find a last minute present. Please don't tell me to get one on the way because they're picking me up. What should I do!?