okay so last year i was 12 turning 13 when i went to the eye doctor and i got tested for being nearsighted. haah well i have terrible vision, and i'm not exaggerating. but the weird thing is i have never had any problems previously and was just wondering why these eyesight problems came on when i was about 13 and not like 4. haha kinda random but just wondering
Sabtu, 31 Juli 2010
[ Maintenance & Repairs ] Open Question : How can I make my truck nicer on a budget?
I have a 1996 Toyota Tacoma and needless to say it could use some cleaning up. I need to vacuum the carpet and shampoo it. I also need seat covers. But I am really looking to give it a sort of make over because school is coming up soon and I want it to be somewhat impressive. I mean I know it won't be great but I need ideas on how to make it look and smell nicer. Thanks for any help.
[ Mexican Football (Soccer) ] Open Question : When is the Juan Manuel Marquez?
fight i heard about it but didn't pay much attention to it in the news and i saw this question and just wanted to know when it was http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100731103924AAG8Dvz
[ Laptops & Notebooks ] Open Question : My laptop battery keeps dying halfway through?
why is my laptop blacking out on jus 43% power..it used to black out after 6% or so..does anyone know whats going on??