For the life of me, I have NO idea what the orange and green ones are! I know the others are an apple, a graduate, a cap&tassel, and a diploma... but what are the other two???⦠My boyfriend was given these by his little cousin and we just can't figure it out... and it's driving us crazy! lol xD
Sabtu, 19 Juni 2010
[ Music & Music Players ] Open Question : what's the best way to clean old, dirty vinyl records without further damage?
[ Other - Beauty & Style ] Open Question : Am I: gorgeous, pretty, beautiful, average, below average, ugly, EW ?! (PICS)?
Oh, and which is the best pic ? :) I always usually wear leggings under my mini skirt coz I'm fat -.- please be totally honest.
[ Law & Ethics ] Open Question : Is a foreign court responsible for a crime in a local country?'s hard to formulate the question in a single sentence, so here is a very simple example to illustrate what I mean: Suppose I sign an agreement with John that he will give me his gum and after a monght I should return this gum to him. Suppose, in the contract is written that "the state of new york" will govern all arbitrages about this agreement. Now...finally neither me nor Joh are American citizens nor residing on a US land. So is such bizzare contract valid? (and...i am just curious since I was thinking to deal with a company in africa which seems about that case). 10x
[ Marriage & Divorce ] Open Question : im 15 and need help with a question about custody?
my parents split up and the custody papers my mom&dad had done my dad never had legalized through his lawyer..and i hate going over there and told him i wasnt going back and hes on his way today and said that if we wouldnt go that the cops would make us? how can the cops force us to go somewhere that we dont feel safe?
[ Singing ] Open Question : Where can I learn western vocal music in Gurgaon?
I want to learn western vocal music and also learn to play the guitar. Please give me some names of music classes in Gurgaon, India.