I need to know i like the white knight armor and my brother wants to know and if you do get the armor can you tell me when and how?
Senin, 19 April 2010
[ Video & Online Games ] Open Question : do you ever get knight armor on white knight chronicals for your created character?
[ Adolescent ] Open Question : Is she considered a runaway?
My friends family is crazy, her mom is verbally abusive and sometimes physically abusive. She has tried telling cops but they never listen. Shes been gone for a while and now her family is texting me saying I will go to jail and she will too, SHES SEVENTEEN AND A HALF . She even said that she talked to a school deputy and he said she can't be forced home as long as shes in a safe environment. Idk if thats true or not, but her parents have never gotten in trouble for lack of evidence, but both of her brothers and sister have moved away, isn't that enough evidence they don't want to be with them? Is there much they can do and can we go to jail for ? Is she even much of a runaway if shes 17 and a half, in north carolina?
[ People with Disabilities ] Open Question : Why do some people think disabled people are funny?
Some people think that it is okay to laugh at someone who is disabled. Like for instance, someone in a wheelchair. I often see people stare at people in wheelchairs and I don't think its very fair. Does anyone else feel the same?