Minggu, 09 Mei 2010

[ Other - Mexico ] Open Question : Places to help at while in Mexico?

Is there anyplace that I could go to and help out in Mexico? I'm going to go there during this summer, and besides seeing mysterious sights, I'd like to contribute in helping in any way, shape, or form, Mexico. I don't know how to go about doing that. Any good ideas?

[ Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered ] Open Question : There's this guy at my school, he is a senior and is leaving in two weeks. Help?

I am bi and in my sophmore year of school, and about to be a junior. There's this guy that i really fancy and i wanted to get ideas on whether i should pursue on what i wanted to tell him. "that i like him." He's a senior and leaving in two weeks, i have a bit of evidence saying that he may be gay, bi. Here they are 1- He's hasn't had a girlfriend in the total of 2 years that i have known him, and this is weird because they practically throw themselves at him. 2- He's always sweet when he talks to me, always says hey and sometimes i feel like he really wants to say more but it's always pushed out of his mind and he just walks away with a fake smile. 3- He hangs out with a lot of girls, and is never interested in them. 4- Goes to prom and never even dates them. Those are all of the reasons that i have now, but also i wanted to know should i write him a letter saying how i feel but that there's a good chance that he is bi and that i would just like to be friends?

[ Home Theater ] Open Question : computer speakers Vs home theatre speakers?
