Jumat, 18 Juni 2010

[ Singles & Dating ] Open Question : whats something romantic and sweet to give your boyfriend for your anniversary?

Monday is our anniversary and i have no clue what to get him! or where to go..any ideas??

[ Video & Online Games ] Open Question : How would I go about...?

Rendering Command and Conquer Generals ZH maps with bloom lighting?

[ Other - Family & Relationships ] Open Question : Relationships and Co-signing! Seriously need help with this one!?

My Mother co-signed for my cousin (her niece) a year ago to purchase a vehicle. My cousin really isn’t committed or responsible as she should with making car payments. She will fall behind every 2 months and my Mom gets after her and she seems to be forced to pay because my Mom threatens to take the car away. My Mom hates to do this to her but my Mom’s credit is on the line and nowadays, credit is everything. My Mother just found out today with phone calls and a letter that the vehicle is close to being repossessed if she doesn’t pay the balance of 4 months and it is $1200. My cousin, on the exterior, is a responsible respectable adult (as ironic as it sounds) but her bad habit of not paying is annoying my Mother. My Mom and cousin live on a reservation so the laws are a bit different. Principally, my Mom wants to seize that vehicle from her and either keep it or give it to my sister who needs a car for school to make payments. First of all, that’s what my Mom gets for co-signing for my financially irresponsible cousin, and not co-signing for me and my husband and now we’re on our second vehicle by building our own credit & we’re doing very good, lol. Anyway, what do you think she should do? Does my Mom have a right and obligation to take the car away and save it by rectifying the payments or let my cousin keep screwing up and tarnishing her credit and the possibility of repossession. I personally would take the car from her. My Mom is only a co-signer but the thing is, she gets all communication from the finance company as if she were the actual signer. It’s at a point where my cousin is ignoring my Mom’s phone calls, my Mom also got mad at her brother & wife to get on her and now they’re ignoring her calls. I swear, my Mom seems like a collections representative, lol. My Mom was trying to get my brother a four-wheeler for a graduation gift but got denied and discovered it was for that car. It’s ridiculous. What do you think? (Please, no sarcastic answers.) Thanks.

[ Toddler & Preschooler ] Open Question : what is the best approach to get my 3yo daughter to listen to me?

I have very active and smart 3,5 year old daughter. I did think after going to the terrible two's things were gonna be different but man I was wrong! she is very smart, loving, sweet, and she just got potty trained at night too. I am just having trouble to get her to obey/listen to us (mom & dad). I have to tell her 20 times every night to go put on her pj's, to pick up her toys, etc. We do not yell at her nor spank her, but if she misbehaves enough she gets sent to her room for 5 mins. I also have a baby boy (7mo) and even though she is very kind and sweet with him she feels jealous too...this could be adding to her behaviour though I have to make clear she has always been a handful. She is very bold, extroverted, loves to talk to everyone at the mall, restaurants, etc. It's almost impossible to keep her quiet (that's no problem though, just want to explain her personality). Any advice? seems like NO or laughing at my requests are her choices rather than listening!

[ Garden & Landscape ] Open Question : Why is it that flowers seem to have a stronger aroma in the early morning?

[ Singles & Dating ] Open Question : what if your gf is taking over your life and doesnt listen? do you break up?